Farm Fresh RI is looking for local young people who want to get their art shown! This year’s theme is Farms and Food. All mediums (watercolor, sculpture, acrylic, drawing, etc.) are welcome!
Bring your work to the Wednesday (4-7pm) or Saturday (9am-1pm) farmers markets at the Hope Artiste Village in Pawtucket anytime between now and the night of the exhibition on Wednesday January 22 from 4-7pm.
On the night of the show, artwork is displayed and the community is welcomed to walk through the art gallery. There will be edible art creations, fun food-based activities, and live music by youth musicians.
Fill out this release form and drop off your artistic interpretation of this year’s theme!
Contact Mikayla Moretti at Farm Fresh RI
mikayla@farmfreshri.org or 401.312.4250