Hate to talk cash flow? Most of us would rather talk program quality, but strong financial operations are essential to delivering and sustaining high quality services. Weak financial management stops too many after-school and other youth-serving nonprofits from winning grants, planning realistically, and doing all they can to fulfill their missions.
Join this webinar to learn how to build your organization’s fiscal strength and that of your provider network through a new, free suite of online resources at StrongNonprofits.org. You’ll hear from the creators of the website how to tailor it to your needs, and you’ll also get advice from a leading expanded learning non-profit organization.
StrongNonprofits.org was developed by The Wallace Foundation and Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) specifically for nonprofits providing after-school and related services.
It draws directly on lessons learned from a Wallace Foundation initiative, begun in 2003, to help cities develop systems to improve quality and access to after-school programming.
Who should attend this webinar? After-school, expanded learning, and summer intermediary organizations, providers, and funders.
Charissa Fernandez, Chief Operating Officer, TASC
Hilda Polanco, Managing Director, Fiscal Management Associates
Nina Sonenberg, Communications Officer, The Wallace Foundation
John Summers, Manager of Consulting, Fiscal Management Associates
Moderator: Jessica Donner, Collaborative for Building After-School Systems
Please contact Nina Agrawal at nagrawal@tascorp.org with any questions.
CBASS is a coalition of intermediary organizations representing cities and regions around the country. Our mission is to expand the availability of high-quality learning opportunities, including after-school and summer, that help children gain the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to lead successful lives.